The Nurture of Perfection

December 31, 2013 at 3:27 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , )

In a perfect relationship, small impurities and annoyances always seem to creep in eventually.

The first instinct is to just push them away and forget about them.

The correct way to deal with them, however, is to deal with them. The reason for that is that they like to grow in the dark, acquire friends and stick together to make a huge problem that may become big enough to break the relationship.

The second one is that if you pretend that the problems don’t exist (or even if you fail to notice problems as they are arising), pretending that the other person is something he isn’t, you may as well draw a stick figure on paper and be in love with it. The partner, if you keep making him something he is not, is, after all a fabrication of your mind in that case.

Therefore, someone should try to find what annoys him about the other person as soon as possible, and resolve the painful part of it with the love and joy that a perfect relationship has plenty of. And really, almost all serious relationship are perfect when they are new.

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