Da Vinchi’s Art

June 6, 2014 at 2:35 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , )

0. Warning, confusing post ahead.

1. The artwork of Da Vinchi is not his pretty pictures.

The genious of Da Vinchi is an idea that there are things to be understood from nature that can be applied to other things.

For example:

We take a black box, which contains one amazing characteristic, which can be found in nature, e.g. the flight of birds, or shortly, flight.

Then we take an object, for example something easy to make (like a wooden stick) and apply the black-box characteristic to the object.

Hence, a flying machine is developed.

Here, we took a characteristic of a bird and applied this characteristic to wood.

It is the generalization that any characteristic of a natural object can be applied so that it becomes a characteristic of another natural object.

2. Examples of this have already been know in mathematics for a long time. For example:

What do we need to add to 1, so that that the result will have characteristics of the number 8.

Possible routes to solve this would be would be:

So, 1+x = even number
1+x = a number that can be evenly divisible by 4

And possible solutions would be: 7, in the first case; 15, in the second case.

In the same way, Da Vinchi came up with many possibilities of how the machine would be constructed.

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